When it comes to team-building measures, team development, cooperation, the ability to cooperate and optimal performance in a team, the term team spirit is often used. But often nobody knows exactly what is actually meant by team spirit.
Teamspirit is a socio-emotional condition that is, at best, felt by all members of a team and perceived as a sense of well-being. Team spirit is a special sense of unity that stimulates the team members' dopaminergic reward system and is closely linked to our capacity for empathy. It is a special human ability that gives us the opportunity to feel part of a group or team.
The "we" and not the "I" is in the emotional focus.
Nowadays, the opinion is generally accepted that teamspirit is a crucial factor in competitions, and not only in sports, but also in businesses. By experiencing teamspirit in the business environment, one can improve the emotional staff retention. And that in return, as we learn from the annual Gallup survey on emotional staff retention, directly impacts customer focus, innovational strength, and employee loyalty. That should be reason enough to organize special team buildings in order to create moments of experiencing and feeling of teamspirit.
Drumming together is not only fun, the experience of groove and collaborative flow creates this outstanding experience of teamspirit. With its innovative concept, Escola de Samba has created a way of transferring this experience of teamspirit to working in everyday business.
Escola de Samba inspires your employees and managers at a conference, a kick-off, a company event, a staff meeting, an incentive or a team workshop: drumming together is fun and strengthens the informal structure of your company.
Using the power of music to create community, motivation and communication is one of the oldest evolutionary secrets of human success.
This power is still vivid today. Music also reaches those areas in our mind that are inaccessible to rational arguments directly via the limbic system, an evolutionarily old part of our brain responsible for emotions.
The result: What we experience in this emotional way has a deeper and more lasting effect than any presentation, no matter how perfect.
With a team building event with Escola de Samba, you could use the power of samba to open and inspire people for your project:
Anchor content learned with music in the deeper levels of consciousness.
Create an atmosphere of mutual joy and enthusiasm.
Utilize our music-didactical concept, which has been tried and tested in over a thousand team events and set up a magical moment of energetic togetherness for your employees. This team event generates a percussion orchestra in which everyone gets into real samba groove and your team creates a collective flow.
Sporting challenges and competitions are often used for team building with sport. However, it is not uncommon for people to be unable to take part in such team events for physical reasons. In addition, these measures have another, decisive disadvantage: here the team is often divided into small teams, which then fight against each other instead of "playing" with each other. And where there are winners, there are also losers. On the other hand, it is an immensely constructive, collective experience when everyone works together on a major challenge that can also be easily transferred to the challenges of everyday business life.
The team event Samba team drumming is the team-building measure for your team event, with which you can promote teamwork safely and sustainably. Everyone learns in a playful way how the best possible form of cooperation can be achieved in the entire team. When team drumming with Escola de Samba, all team building phases (forming, storming, norming, performing according to Bruce Tuckman) are also run through. Compared to other team-building events and team-building measures, all participants in the team development are significantly involved in the process Samba team drumming and they all work together to achieve the optimal result in collaboration. All participants of the team drumming performance feel what constitutes good cooperation and learn how they can transfer these qualities of the team event into everyday business.
This makes Samba team drumming the ideal team development measure for your next team building.
Types of events